Over the past few weeks, COVID-19 has changed the way we live, our work and the way we serve our children and families. Therefore, our annual Gerald L. Levin ‘Champions for Children’ Signature Event has moved from an in-person event to online. This year, we invite you to “NOT ATTEND” this event and support our unparalleled programs while celebrating from the comfort of your own home!
While we are going through difficult times and have many uncertainties of what is to come, we understand this is a temporary situation but the work must continue. Our children and families depend on your support!
It is needed now more than ever.
As one of the leading child welfare organizations in the state, we know from first -hand experience that having access to food, clothing, education and other related services is a matter of both health and safety!
Help us celebrate and honor our 2020 Champions for Children.
Our champions come from a variety of backgrounds and industries but share one common bond, improving the lives of our children and families.
To learn more about our Orchards and our 2020 Champions see below.
Michael Williams
President & CEO – Orchards Children’s Services
Rachael Secord – Michigan Foster Care Closet
Champions for Children Individual/Advocate Award Winner
Lea & William Narens – Narens Associates, Inc.
Champions for Children Corporate Award Winner
Jennifer Frescura-Skulley
Champions for Children Parenting Award Winner
Orchards Appeal Video